主任医师,教授,博士生导师,北京协和医院耳科组领衔教授, “中国名医百强榜”听觉植入上榜名医。
中国医疗保健国际交流促进会耳内科分会副主任委员,中国研究型医院学会罕见病分会理事、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会人工听觉分会常务委员 、北京市变态反应学会常委。
《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》、《中华耳科学杂志》、《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》、《中国听力言语康复科学杂志》、《听力学及言语疾病杂志》、《言语病理学杂志》等刊编委, 《Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 》特邀审稿人。
擅长先天性小耳畸形耳廓再造、骨传导助听装置植入及人工耳蜗微创手术。主要研究领域为小耳畸形、聋病的遗传学研究及Treacher Collins综合征等耳畸形相关罕见病的发病机制研究。
SLC26A4基因功能与内耳畸形发病机制的实验研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2008.1-2008.12)
转录因子GFI1和LMO4与小分子RNA对毛细胞分化的作用及分子机制 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2013.01-2016.12)
先天性小耳畸形的病因及发病机制研究 国家自然基金应急管理项目一项(2015.01-2015.12)
1. Fan, Xinmiao; Lu, Ping; Fan, Yue; Chen, Yu; Chen, Xiaowei. Comparative effects of unilateral and bilateral bone conduction hearing devices on functional hearing and sound localization abilities in patients with bilateral microtia-atresia. Acta oto-laryngologica. published online
2. Fan, Xinmiao; Xiaomin Niu; Lu, Ping; Fan, Yue; Chen, Yu; Chen, Xiaowei. Outcomes of the Baha Attract System combined with auricle reconstruction in mandarin speaking patients with bilateral microtia-atresia. Actaoto-laryngologica.139(5):425-431
3. Fan, Xinmiao; Xiaomin Niu; Lu, Ping; Fan, Yue; Chen, Yu; Chen, Xiaowei. Comparison of three-dimensional and two-dimensional templates on auricle reconstruction in patients with unilateral microtia. American journal of translational research. 11(6):3771-3778
4. Wang, Pu; Fan, Xinmiao; Wang, Yibei; Fan, Yue; Liu, Yaping; Zhang,Shuyang;Chen, Xiaowei. Target sequencing of 307 deafness genes identifies candidate genes implicated in microtia , ONCOTARGET, 2017.9.8, 8(38):63324~63332
5. Fan, Xinmiao; Wang, Yibei; Wang, Pu; Fan, Yue; Chen, Yu; Zhu, Yuanli; Chen, Xiaowei. Aesthetic and hearing rehabilitation in patients with bilateral microtia-atresia , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICOTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, 2017.10, 101: 150~157
6. Fan Y, Zhang Y, Wu R , et al. miR-431 is involved in regulating cochlear function by targeting Eya4. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Nov;1862(11):2119-2126.
7. Wang Z, Hou Q, Wang P, et al. The image variations in mastoid segment of facial nerve and sinus tympani in congenital aural atresia by HRCT and 3D VR CT. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2015.79: 1412-1417.
8. Fan Y, Zhang Y, Wang P, et al. The Efficacy of Unilateral Bone-Anchored Hearing Devices in Chinese Mandarin-Speaking Patients With Bilateral Aural Atresia. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery 2014 Apr 140(4)357-362.
9. Fan Y, Zhang Y, Wang SJ. Auditory Development After Placement of Bone-anchored Hearing Aids Softband Among Chinese Mandarin-speaking Children with Bilateral Aural Atresia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Jan; 78 (1): 60-4
10. Zhang X, Fan Y, Zhang Y, et al. A novel mutation in the TCOF1 gene found in two Chinese cases of Treacher Collins syndrome. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Sep; 77(9): 1410-5.
11. Gao R, Wang Y, Fan Y, et al. The role of HRCT and three-dimensional VR CT findings in patients of congenital atresia combined with microtia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Dec;76(12):1779-84.
12. Chen Xiaowei, Yang Hua, Gao Ruzhen, Yu Rong, Gao Zhiqiang. Perichondrium/ cartilage composite graft for repairing large tympanic membrane perforations and hearing improvement. Chinese Medical Journal 2010; 123(3):301-304.
13. Dongye Chen, Xiaowei Chen, Keli Cao, Jin Zuo, Xin Jin, Caogang Wei, Fude Fang. High Prevalence of the Connexin 26 (GJB2) Mutation in Chinese Cochlear .Implant Recipients. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2009;71(4):212-5.
14. 樊悦, 陈晓巍, 杨华, 等. 双侧先天性外中耳畸形患者骨锚式助听器效果分析. 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2012, 47(4): 265-269
15. 樊悦,张颖,王珍,等. 骨锚式助听器术后皮肤并发症的处理及预防. 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2013,48 (10):798-801
16. 樊悦,陈晓巍,张韬,等. 分期耳廓再造常见并发症的预防及处理. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2013,27 (13): 685-687
17. 张颖,樊悦,王艺贝,等.双侧先天性外耳道闭锁婴幼儿佩戴软带BAHA的疗效分析. 中华医学杂志, 2014,94(6):420-423
18. 樊悦,王艺贝,王珍等. 双侧先天性外耳道闭锁患者应用骨锚式助听器的主观效果评估.中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2015,50 (3):205-211
19. 高儒真, 陈晓巍, 历东东, 姜鸿. 新生儿GJB2基因筛查及听力随访的意义.临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2015(4):314-318
20. 高儒真, 陈晓巍, 历东东, 姜鸿. 新生儿聋病基因筛查及咨询的临床意义. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志. 2015(3):166-171
21. 王艺贝,陈晓巍,双侧小耳畸形并外耳道闭锁婴幼儿软带Ponto疗效初步分析. 临床耳鼻喉头颈外科杂志,2015,29(4),291-294
22. 王珍,王艺贝,先天性小耳畸形合并外耳道胆脂瘤及耳后骨膜下脓肿1例. 中华耳科学杂志,2014,12,(4),571-574
23. 王珍,王艺贝,骨粉在开放式改良乳突根治术术腔处理中的应用. 协和医学杂志,2014,5(3),323-326