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中国医学科学院药用植物研究所研究员、博士生导师、中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院中药资源学协和学者特聘教授、北京协和医学院“协和学者与创新团队发展计划”和教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”中药资源学创新团队骨干成员。1991年北京农业大学生物学院大学本科毕业,1994年获北京农业大学硕士学位,1997-1998年日本大阪大学第25届联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)国际微生物学研究生班毕业,1999年获中国科学院植物研究所博士学位,1994-2000年中国科学院植物研究所实习研究员、助理研究员,2000-2002年美国密歇根理工大学博士后,2002-2007年美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学博士后,2007-2009年美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学研究助理教授,2009年至今中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院药用植物研究所研究员,2010-2013年中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院“协和学者”特聘教授。曾在美国和日本学习工作近10年,2009年以海外高端人才方式引进到药植所全职工作。兼任《BMC Genomics》、《Current PharmaceuticalBiotechnology》、《GM Crops & Food-Biotechnology inAgriculture and the Food Chain》等8个国际杂志的编辑、编委或顾问,《Plant Cell》等30多个国际刊物的审稿人,国家重点研发计划、国家科学技术奖励和国家自然科学基金等10多个国际国内基金和奖励的评审专家,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院院校归国华侨联合会第二届委员会委员,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院第七届学术委员会委员等。承担科技部863计划、973计划、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等资助的项目、课题或子课题20余项。在《Plant Cell》、《Proc Natl Acad Sci USA》、《Nucleic Acids Research》、《Plant Journal》、《RNA Biology》等著名杂志发表论文90余篇,主编英文专著1部、中文专著2部,参编英文专著4部、中文专著2部。培养访问学者2名、博士后10名、博士毕业8名、硕士毕业5名、博士在读5名。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg正在和曾经承担科技部863计划、973计划、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等资助的项目、课题或子课题20余项。
1. Shanfa Lu*, Ying-Hsuan Sun, Vincent L.Chiang.Adenylation of plant miRNAs. NucleicAcids Research, 2009, 37:1878-1885.
2. Shanfa Lu, Quanzi Li, Hairong Wei,Mao-Ju Chang,Sermsawat Tunlaya-Anukit, Hoon Kim, Jie Liu, Jingyuan Song,Ying-Hsuan Sun,Lichai Yuan, Ting-Feng Yeh, Ilona Peszlen, John Ralph, RonaldR. Sederoff*,Vincent L. Chiang*. Ptr-miR397ais a negative regulator of laccase genesaffecting lignin content in Populus trichocarpa. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013,110(26):10848-10853.
3. Shanfa Lu, Ying-Hsuan Sun, Rui Shi,Catherine Clark,Laigeng Li, Vincent L. Chiang*. Novel and mechanicalstress-responsive microRNAsin Populustrichocarpa that are absent from Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2005,17:2186-2203.
4. Shanfa Lu*. Biosynthesis and regulatory mechanismsof bioactive compounds in Salvia miltiorrhiza, a model system for medicinalplant biology. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2021, 40(3): 243-283.
5. Yuxing Deng, Shanfa Lu*. Biosynthesisand regulation ofphenylpropanoids in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2017, 36(4):257-290.
6. Shanfa Lu, Ying-Hsuan Sun, Henry Amerson,Vincent L.Chiang*. MicroRNAs in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and their association withfusiform rust galldevelopment. Plant Journal, 2007, 51:1077-1098.
7. Shanfa Lu*, Ying-Hsuan Sun, Vincent L.Chiang.Stress-responsive microRNAs in Populustrichocarpa. Plant Journal,2008,55:131-151.
8. Yimian Ma, Lichai Yuan, BinWu, Xian'en Li, ShilinChen, Shanfa Lu*.Genome-wide identification and characterization of novel genesinvolved interpenoid biosynthesis in Salviamiltiorrhiza. Journalof ExperimentalBotany, 2012, 63(7):2809-2823.
9. Shanfa Lu*, Laigeng Li, Xiaoping Yi,ChandrashekharP. Joshi, Vincent L. Chiang. Differential expression of threeeucalyptussecondary cell wall-related cellulose synthase genes in response totensionstress. Journal of ExperimentalBotany, 2008, 59(3):681-695.
10. Shanfa Lu*. De novoorigination of MIRNAsthroughgeneration of short inverted repeats in target genes. RNA Biology,2019,16(6): 846-859.
11. Miaomiao Liu, Yimian Ma, Qing Du, XueminHou,Meizhen Wang, Shanfa Lu*. 2019. Functional analysis of polyprenyldiphosphatesynthase genes involved in plastoquinone and ubiquinone biosynthesisin Salvia miltiorrhiza. Frontiers inPlant Science, 2019, 10: 893.
12. Miaomiao Liu, Shanfa Lu*. Plastoquinoneandubiquinone in plants: biosynthesis, physiological function andmetabolicengineering. Frontiersin Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1898.
13. Meizhen Wang, Bin Wu, Chao Chen, ShanfaLu*.Identification of mRNA-like non-coding RNAs and validation of a mightyone namedMAR in Panax ginseng. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015,57(3):256-270.
14. Linsu Zhang, Bin Wu, Degang Zhao, Caili Li,Fenjuan Shao, Shanfa Lu*. Genome-wide analysisand molecular dissection of theSPLgene family in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2015,56(1): 38-50.
15. Shanfa Lu*, Chenmin Yang, Vincent L.Chiang.Conservation and diversity of microRNA-associated copper-regulatorynetworks inPopulus trichocarpa, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2011,53(11):879-891.
16. Shanfa Lu*, Yihua Zhou, Laigeng Li, VincentL.Chiang. Distinct roles of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase genes in Populus. Plant andCell Physiology, 2006, 47(7): 905-914.
17. Yujie Chang, Meizhen Wang, Jiang Li, ShanfaLu*.Transcriptomic analysis reveals potential genes involved intanshinonebiosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza. ScientificReports, 2019, 9:14929.
18. Jiang Li, Caili Li, Shanfa Lu*.Systematicanalysisof DEMETER-like DNA glycosylase genes shows lineage-specificSmi-miR7972involved in SmDML1 regulation in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Scientific Reports, 2018,8: 7143.
19. Meizhen Wang, Caili Li, Shanfa Lu*. Origin andevolution of MIR1444 genes in Salicaceae. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 39740.
20. Caili Li#, Dongqiao Li#, Jiang Li, Fenjuan Shao,Shanfa Lu*. Characterization of the polyphenol oxidase gene familyreveals anovel microRNA involved in posttranscriptional regulation of PPOs in Salviamiltiorrhiza. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 44622.
21. Fenjuan Shao, Deyou Qiu, ShanfaLu*. Comparativeanalysis of the Dicer-like gene family reveals loss ofmiR162 target site inSmDCL1 from Salviamiltiorrhiza. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 9891.
22. Caili Li, Shanfa Lu*. Molecular characterizationof the SPL gene family in Populustrichocarpa. BMCPlant Biology, 2014, 14: 131.
23. Miaomiao Liu, Xiang Chen, Meizhen Wang, ShanfaLu*.SmPPT, a 4-hydroxybenzoatepolyprenyl diphosphate transferase gene involved inubiquinone biosynthesis,confers salt tolerance in Salviamiltiorrhiza. PlantCell Reports, 2019, 38(12):1527-1540.
24. Qing Du, Caili Li, Dongqiao Li, ShanfaLu*.Genome-wide analysis, molecular cloning and expression profilingrevealtissue-specifically expressed, feedback-regulated, stress-responsiveandalternatively spliced novel genes involved in gibberellin metabolism inSalvia miltiorrhiza. BMC Genomics. 2015,16(1): 1087.
25. Caili Li, Dongqiao Li, Fenjuan Shao, Shanfa Lu*.Molecular cloning and expression analysis of WRKYtranscription factor genes inSalviamiltiorrhiza. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16: 200.
26. Fenjuan Shao, Shanfa Lu*.Genome-wideidentification, molecular cloning, expression profiling andposttranscriptionalregulation analysis of the Argonaute gene family in Salviamiltiorrhiza, anemerging model medicinal plant. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14:512.
27. Bin Wu, Ying Li, Haixia Yan,Yimian Ma, HongmeiLuo, Lichai Yuan, Shilin Chen, Shanfa Lu*. Comprehensive transcriptome analysisreveals novelgenes involved in cardiac glycoside biosynthesis and mlncRNAsassociated withsecondary metabolism and stress response in Digitalispurpurea.BMC Genomics, 2012, 13:15.
28. Dongqiao Li, Fenjuan Shao, Shanfa Lu*.Identification and characterization of mRNA-like noncoding RNAs in Salviamiltiorrhiza. Planta, 2015, 241(5):1131-1143.
29. Rui Shi, Chenmin Yang, Shanfa Lu, Ronald Sederoff,Vincent L. Chiang*.Specific down-regulation of PAL genes by artificialmicroRNAs in Populus trichocarpa. Planta, 2010, 232: 1281-1288.
30. Yuxing Deng, Caili Li, Heqin Li,Shanfa Lu*.Identification and characterization of flavonoid biosynthetic enzymegenes inSalvia miltiorrhiza (Lamiaceae).Molecules, 2018, 23(6): 1467.
31. Heqin Li, Caili Li, Yuxing Deng, Xuwen Jiang,Shanfa Lu*. The pentatricopeptide repeatgene family in Salviamiltiorrhiza:Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis. Molecules,2018, 23(6): 1364.
32. Linsu Zhang, Shanfa Lu*. Overviewof medicinallyimportant diterpenoids derived from plastids. Mini-Reviews inMedicinalChemistry, 2017, 17(12): 988-1001.
33. Caili Li#, Dongqiao Li#, Hong Zhou, JiangLi,Shanfa Lu*. Analysis of the laccase gene family andmiR397-/miR408-mediatedposttranscriptional regulation in Salvia miltiorrhiza. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e7605.
34. Jiang Li, Caili Li, Shanfa Lu*.Identification andcharacterization of the cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferasegene family in Salviamiltiorrhiza.PeerJ, 2018, 6: e4461.
35. Hong Zhou, Caili Li,Xiaoxiao Qiu, Shanfa Lu*.Systematic analysis of alkaline/neutralinvertase genesreveals the involvementof Smi-miR399 in regulation of SmNINV3 and SmNINV4 in Salviamiltiorrhiza.Plants (Basel), 2019, 8(11): 490.
36. Shanfa Lu*. Recent advances in biosynthesis andregulation of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants. Current PharmaceuticalBiotechnology, 2021, 22(6): 712-713.
37. Caili Li#, Meizhen Wang#, Xiaoxiao Qiu, Hong Zhou,Shanfa Lu*. Noncoding RNAs in medicinal plants and their regulatory roles inbioactive compound production. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2021,22(3): 341-359.
38. Mei Jiang, Haimei Chen, Jingting Liu, Qing Du, ShanfaLu*, Chang Liu*. Genome-wideidentification and functional characterization of natural antisense transcriptsin Salvia miltiorrhiza. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 4769.
39. Junjie Shao#, Liqiang Wang#, Yang Liu, Qianru Qi, BinWang, ShanfaLu*, ChangLiu*. Identification of milRNAs and their target genes inGanoderma lucidum by high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis. FungalGenetics and Biology, 2020, 136: 103313.
1. 《TheSalvia miltiorrhizagenome. Compendiumof Plant Genomes》. Springer, Cham,Switzerland.2019, 主编.
2. 《药用植物品质生物学》,科学出版社,北京,2019,主编.
3. 《本草基因组学》,科学出版社,北京,2018,参编.
4. 《本草基因组学:中药组学的发展与未来》,科学出版社,北京,2016,参编.
5. 《Handbook of chemical andbiologicalplant analytical methods》,West Sussex, UK:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,2014,参编.
6. 《Signaling andCommunication inPlants Series, vol.9: Mechanical Integration of Plant Cells andPlants》, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 2011,参编.