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中国医学科学院药用植物研究所资源中心研究员,博士生导师。2010年7月毕业于北京协和医学院,获博士学位。教育部长江学者创新团队主要成员,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院青年科学家创新联盟理事,皇家墨尔本理工大学访问学者。“协和新星”、“药植所杰出青年人才”、“药植新星”和“药植所优秀指导教师”获得者。担任国家科技计划、国家自然基金、北京市自然基金等项目评审专家。作为主要完成人创建“中草药DNA 条形码生物鉴定体系”,获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级奖3项。该鉴定体系已纳入《中华人民共和国药典》,成果入选2016中国十大医学进展。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、重大新药创制国家科技重大专项子任务、教育部新教师基金等多项课题。于Journal of Advanced Research、Biotechnology Advances、药学学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文70篇,其中SCI论文50篇。授权软件著作权3项,参与行业标准制定3项。作为副主编编著《中国药典中药材DNA 条形码标准序列》(科学出版社,2015),参编中文专著4部,英文专著2部,研究生教材1部。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg主持或参加课题:
1. 淫羊藿属药用植物超级条形码及其分类学研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
2. “中药新药安全性检测技术与标准研究”子任务,重大新药创制国家科技重大专项,主持
3. 中国药典常用叶类中药材DNA条形码鉴定研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题,主持
4. 协和新星,北京协和医学院人才项目,主持
5. 中药材DNA条形码鉴定稳定性与准确性研究,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,主持
6. 中药安全风险预警及防控,中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程重大协同创新项目,参加
7. 基于ITS2互补碱基变化分析的中药基原物种鉴定研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加
8. 石斛属药用植物DNA条形码复合序列鉴定研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加
9. 中药资源学,教育部长江学者创新团队,参加
10. 基于DNA条形码的珍稀药用、野生资源快速检测技术及产品研发,国家863计划,参加
1. 中草药DNA条形码物种鉴定体系,2016/12,国家科学技术进步奖二等奖,第六完成人
2. 中草药DNA条形码生物鉴定体系,2015/02,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖)一等奖,第五完成人
3. 中草药DNA条形码生物鉴定体系,2014/11,中华中医药学会科学技术奖一等奖,第五完成人
4. 中草药国际通用DNA条形码鉴定体系,2018/12,世界中医药学会联合会中医药国际贡献奖科技进步一等奖,第八完成人
5. 《中药质量控制与分析》,2023/11,中华中医药学会科学技术奖-学术著作三等奖,第五完成人
[1] Wenjun Jiang, Mengyue Guo, Jingsheng Yu, ChuneFan, Meihua Yang, Xiaohui Pang*.Variations of the fungal microbiome in Corydalis Rhizoma withdifferent collection areas, processing methods, and storage conditions.Food Research International, volume 180, 114045, 2024.
[2] ChuneFan, Rong Xu, Mengyue Guo, Wenjun Jiang, Meihua Yang, Yujie Dao, Xiaohui Pang*. Profilingof fungal communities in functional food Cistanches herba using high–throughputsequencing. Food Bioscience, volume 59, 103869, 2024.
[3] Mengyue Guo, Jingsheng Yu, Yujie Dao, Wenjun Jiang, Xiaohui Pang*. DNA metabarcoding of fungal communities in Heshouwu (Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.). Food Control, volume 136, 108850, 2022.
[4] Mengyue Guo, Wenjun Jiang, Meihua Yang, Xiaowen Dou, Xiaohui Pang*. Characterizing fungal communities in medicinal and edible Cassiae Semen using high-throughput sequencing. International Journal of Food Microbiology, volume 319, 108496, 2020.
[5] Wenjun Jiang, Mengyue Guo,Meihua Yang, Nitin Mantri, Xuyu Chen, Xiaohui Pang*. High-throughput analysis of fungal communities inMyristicae Semen. LWT- Food Science and Technology, volume 128, 109499, 2020.
[6] Jingsheng Yu#, Mengyue Guo#, Wenjun Jiang, Meihua Yang, Xiaohui Pang*. Assessment of the microbiome and potential aflatoxin associatedwith the medicinal herb Platycladus orientalis, Frontiers in Microbiology, volume 11, 582679, 2020.
[7]Jingsheng Yu, Mengyue Guo, Wenjun Jiang, Yujie Dao, Xiaohui Pang*.Illumina-based analysis yields new insights into the fungal communityassociated with the processed products of Crataegi Fructus. Frontiers inNutrition, volume 9, 883698, 2022.
[8] JingshengYu#, Wenjuan Zhang#, Yujie Dao, Meihua Yang, Xiaohui Pang*.Characterization of the fungal community in Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbusthrough DNA metabarcoding. Journal of Fungi, volume 8, 876, 2022.
[9]Yujie Dao, Jingsheng Yu, Meihua Yang, Jianping Han, Chune Fan, Xiaohui Pang*.DNA metabarcoding reveals the fungal community on the surface of LoniceraeJaponicae Flos, an edible and medicinal herb. International Journal ofMolecular Sciences, volume 24, 15081, 2023.
[10]Wenjun Jiang#, Xuyu Chen#, Mengyue Guo, Jingsheng Yu, Meihua Yang, XiaohuiPang*. Analysis of fungal microbiome in edible medicinal MorindaeOfficinalis Radix and Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus using DNA metabarcoding.Foods, volume 11, 1748, 2022.
[11] JingshengYu, Wenjun Jiang, Mengyue Guo, Yujie Dao, Xiaohui Pang*.Investigation offungal contamination in medicinal and edible Lycii Fructus through DNAmetabarcoding. Journal of Applied Microbiology, volume 133,1555-1565, 2022.
[12] Jingsheng Yu, Meihua Yang, Jianping Han, Xiaohui Pang*. Fungal and mycotoxin occurrence, affecting factors, and prevention in herbal medicines: a review. Toxin Reviews, volume 42, 1925696, 2021.
[13] Mengyue Guo, Wenjun Jiang,Jiaoyang Luo, Meihua Yang, Xiaohui Pang*. Analysis of the fungal community in Ziziphi Spinosae Semen through high-throughput sequencing. Toxins, volume 10, issue 12, 494, 2018.
[14] Mengyue Guo#, Xiaohui Pang#*, Yanqin Xu, Wenjun Jiang, Baosheng Liao, Jingsheng Yu, Jiang Xu, Jingyuan Song, Shilin Chen*. Plastid genome data provide new insights into the phylogeny and evolution of the genus Epimedium. Journalof Advanced Research, volume 36,175-185, 2022.
[15] Shilin Chen*#, Xiaohui Pang#, JingyuanSong*, Linchun Shi, Hui Yao, Jianping Han, Christine Leon. A renaissance inherbal medicine identification: From morphology to DNA. Biotechnology Advances,volume 32, 1237-1244, 2014.
[16] MengyueGuo, Wenjun Jiang, Jingsheng Yu, XiaohuiPang*. Investigating the authenticity of Ophiopogonis Radix andits Chinese patent medicines by using a nucleotide signature. Journal ofEthnopharmacology, volume 261, 113134, 2020.
[17] Mengyue Guo, Li Ren, Xiaohui Pang*. Inspecting the true identityof herbal materials from Cynanchum usingITS2 barcode. Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 8, 1945, 2017.
[18] Xiaohui Pang#, Jingyuan Song#, YingjieZhu, Hongxi Xu, Linfang Huang, Shilin Chen*. Applying plant DNA barcodes forRosaceae species identification. Cladistics, volume 27,issue 2, 165-170, 2011.
[19] Sha Zhao, Xiaochen Chen, Jingyuan Song, Xiaohui Pang*, ShilinChen*. Internal transcribed spacer 2 barcode: a good tool for identifyingAcanthopanacis cortex. Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 6, 840, 2015.
[20] Wenjun Jiang, Li Ren, Mengyue Guo, Nitin Mantri, Sha Zhao, Xiaohui Pang*. Detecting Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus and its Chinese patent medicines with a nucleotide signature. Genes, volume 10, 397, 2019.
[21] Mengyue Guo#, Li Ren#, Yanqin Xu, Baosheng Liao, Jingyuan Song, Ying Li, Nitin Mantri, Baolin Guo, Shilin Chen, Xiaohui Pang*. Development of plastid genomic resources for discrimination and classification of Epimedium wushanense (Berberidaceae). International Journal ofMolecular Sciences, volume 20, issue 16, 4003, 2019.
[22] Mengyue Guo, Yanqin Xu, Li Ren, ShunzhiHe, Xiaohui Pang*. A systematic study on DNAbarcoding of medicinally important genus Epimedium L. (Berberidaceae). Genes, volume9, 637,2018.
[23] Li Ren, Mengyue Guo, Xiaohui Pang*. Identification andclassification of medicinal plants in Epimedium.Chinese Herbal Medicines, volume 10, issue 3, 249-254, 2018.
[24] 郭梦月,于景盛,姜汶君,庞晓慧*. 基于DNA宏条形码技术的中药材苦杏仁表面真菌多样性研究. 药学学报, 第56卷,第8期,2295-2301页,2021.