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Personal Information

  • 研究员
  • 导师类别:博士生导师
  • 性别: 女
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:博士


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:生物医学工程研究所(天津)
  • 所属专业: 生物医学工程  、 电子信息
  • 邮箱 : t.li619@foxmail.com
  • 工作电话 : 022-87891093


Personal Profile

研究员,博导,智能诊疗技术实验室主任,医学人工智能与机器人中心副主任,中国医学科学院多模态跨尺度神经信号检测与成像院外创新单元的院内接口人,天津医学电子诊疗技术工程中心主任。2000-2010年华中科技大学,本硕博,导师骆清铭院士;2010-2012年在美国博士后,导师Steven L. Jacques和Guoqiang Yu;2012-2017年电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院副教授。2017年至今任职中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所。

        从事深层组织无创光电检测调控技术与类脑智能的研究。代表性成果:体素化复杂结构组织中四维光子传输精准计算模型与软件、多模态神经信息采集调控技术与脑机融合、面向神经重症监护与康复的深层血液动力学监测仪器研制等,曾获Physiol. Meas.年度亮点和Advanced Science News头版播报。近年来先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、北京重大仪器专项等项目15项,获得了Melvin H. Knisely奖(每年1名/全球;设奖40年来唯一中国获奖者),国际Nirfast奖金,十佳中国电子学会优秀科技工作者(近六年最年轻获奖者)、国家青年拔尖人才(中共中央组织部)、ISO/IEC/IEEE标准化专家、国家健康科普首批专家、国家层面科技报道专家、天津杰青、天津创新团队负责人、天津中青年科技领军、天津“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次等。

  • 研究方向Research Directions
2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。

智能诊疗技术实验室(AI Theragnostic Lab,简称AIT实验室)








1. 国家级青年拔尖人才项目,中共中央组织部,2021.12-2024.12,已到款160万元,主持

2. 中国医学科学院健康创新工程项目任务,2021-IM-042,医用机器人和生物人工器官的关键技术及应用——多模态人机融合外骨骼任务,中国医学科学院,2021.12-2025.12,~1000万元,负责

3. 中国医学科学院健康创新工程项目课题,2021-IM-058,核辐射损伤防治医药和器械研发与示范应用——核辐射损伤防护装备的研发课题,中国医学科学院,2021.12-2025.12,400万元,主持

4. 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次人选项目,天津市人社局,2021.01-2022.12,20万元,主持

5. XXX项目,特定任务致身心机能损伤的电生理与血液动力学测评,2021.04-2021.12,57.9万元,已结题,主持 

4. 中国脑研究中心·北京脑科学与类脑研究中心科研开放合作计划——科研合作项目,北京科委,2020-NKX-XM-14,脑卒中继发语言功能障碍的光学无创检测技术研究,2021.01-2022.12,60万元,主持

5. 省部级国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目,血氧异常非接触式便携快检技术的合作研发,2021YFH0004,2021.04-2023.03,50万元,主持

7. 天津市杰出青年科学基金项目,20JCJQIC00230,人脑活动非接触式多参数光学成像仪器研制,2020.10-2024.09,60万元,主持

8. 国家公派访问学者项目,脑卒中的非侵入光学监测调控一体化,哈佛-麻省理工健康科技学部(Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology), 201908110204, 出发后一年期, ~2.7万美金,主持

9. 京津冀专项项目,19JCZDJC65500, 2型糖尿病骨胶原交联异常的定量探究及风险因子精准筛查,2020/3-2023/3,60万元,在研,主研 

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81971660,脑水肿的多参数非侵入式光学监测技术研究,2020/1-2023/12,66万元,在研,主持

11. 北京市重大专项课题,Z191100010618004,无创神经调控四维光电精准定位算法和智能传感关键技术研发,2019/1-2021/06,180万元,已结题,主持

12. 国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对”重点专项,2018YFC2001100,新型代谢融合的无创动态血糖监测及电磁血糖调控技术研究,2018/12-2021/11,581万元,在研,参与。


14. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,18JCZDJC32700,脑水肿的光学无创监测技术研发与临床应用研究,2018/08-2021/07,40万元,已结题,主持

15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61675039,休克的光学无创监护技术及监测指标研究,2017/01-2020/12,76.24万元,已结题,主持

16. 国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项课题,2017YFB1300301,多模态高分辨率的神经信号检测技术研究,2017/12-2020/11,663万元,已结题,主研

17. 国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项课题,2017YFB1302305,截瘫助行机器人临床训练测试与示范应用,2017/12-2020/11,282万元,结题优秀,主研

18. 深圳孔雀团队计划项目,新型靶向CART细胞的癌症基因治疗技术研发及产业化团队(KQTD20140630143254906) 2015/6-2020/6, 3000万元,已结题,核心成员排第一

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1. 国家级青年拔尖人才项目,中共中央组织部,2021.12-2024.12,已到款160万元,主持

2. 中国医学科学院健康创新工程项目任务,2021-IM-042,医用机器人和生物人工器官的关键技术及应用——多模态人机融合外骨骼任务,中国医学科学院,2021.12-2025.12,~1000万元,负责

3. 中国医学科学院健康创新工程项目课题,2021-IM-058,核辐射损伤防治医药和器械研发与示范应用——核辐射损伤防护装备的研发课题,中国医学科学院,2021.12-2025.12,400万元,主持

4. 中国医科院临床与转化医学研究专项项目课题,基于多源信息的青少年脊柱畸形快速筛查系统的研发与临床验证,2022-I2M-C&T-A-005,2022.10-2024.9,30万,课题负责人

5. 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次人选项目,天津市人社局,2021.01-2022.12,20万元,主持

6. XXX项目,特定任务致身心机能损伤的电生理与血液动力学测评,2021.04-2021.12,57.9万元,已结题,主持 

7. 中国脑研究中心·北京脑科学与类脑研究中心科研开放合作计划——科研合作项目,北京科委,2020-NKX-XM-14,脑卒中继发语言功能障碍的光学无创检测技术研究,2021.01-2022.12,60万元,主持

8. 省部级国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目,血氧异常非接触式便携快检技术的合作研发,2021YFH0004,2021.04-2023.03,50万元,主持

9. 天津市杰出青年科学基金项目,20JCJQIC00230,人脑活动非接触式多参数光学成像仪器研制,2020.10-2024.09,60万元,主持

10. 国家公派访问学者项目,脑卒中的非侵入光学监测调控一体化,哈佛-麻省理工健康科技学部(Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology), 201908110204, 出发后一年期, ~2.7万美金,主持

11. 京津冀专项项目,19JCZDJC65500, 2型糖尿病骨胶原交联异常的定量探究及风险因子精准筛查,2020/3-2023/3,60万元,在研,主研

12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81971660,脑水肿的多参数非侵入式光学监测技术研究,2020/1-2023/12,66万元,在研,主持

13. 北京市重大专项课题,Z191100010618004,无创神经调控四维光电精准定位算法和智能传感关键技术研发,2019/1-2021/06,180万元,已结题,主持

14. 国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对”重点专项,2018YFC2001100,新型代谢融合的无创动态血糖监测及电磁血糖调控技术研究,2018/12-2021/11,581万元,在研,参与。


16. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,18JCZDJC32700,脑水肿的光学无创监测技术研发与临床应用研究,2018/08-2021/07,40万元,已结题,主持

17. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61675039,休克的光学无创监护技术及监测指标研究,2017/01-2020/12,76.24万元,已结题,主持

18. 国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项课题,2017YFB1300301,多模态高分辨率的神经信号检测技术研究,2017/12-2020/11,663万元,已结题,主研

19. 国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项课题,2017YFB1302305,截瘫助行机器人临床训练测试与示范应用,2017/12-2020/11,282万元,结题优秀,主研

20. 深圳孔雀团队计划项目,新型靶向CART细胞的癌症基因治疗技术研发及产业化团队(KQTD20140630143254906) 2015/6-2020/6, 3000万元,已结题,核心成员排第一



[1]     B. Sun, Z. Liu, Z. Wu, C. Mu, T. Li*, GraphConvolution Neural Network based End-to-end Channel Selection and Classificationof Motor Imagery Brain-computer Interfaces, IEEE. Transactions on IndustrialInformatics, 2023, in press.

[2]     C. Gao, L. Jia, M. Ma, X. Zhang, T. Li*, Hemodynamicalterations response to Chinese acupuncture therapy monitored by a customnear-infrared spectroscopy probe with an open hole, Journal ofBiophotonics, e202300124, 2023.

[3]     X Li+, B. Zhang+, Y.Liang, T. Li*, Multiscale reconstruction of bronchus and cancercells in human lung adenocarcinoma, Biomed. Eng. Online, 22:1-11,2023.

[4]     S. Meng, H. Su, J. Guo, L. Wang, T.Li*, Noninvasive optical monitoring of pulmonary embolism: a MonteCarlo study on visible Chines human thoracic tissues, Journal of Biomedical Optics,2023, in press.

[5]     K. Wang, X. Ji, T. Li*, Genderdifference in functional activity of 4-months-old infants during sleep: AFunctional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study, Frontiers in Psychiatry,13:1046821, 2022. 

[6] J. Guo, S. Meng, H. Su, B. Zhang, T. Li*,Non-invasive optical monitoring of human lungs: Monte Carlo modeling of photonmigration in Visible Chinese Human and an experimental test on a human, Biomed.Opt. Express, 13(12): 6389-6401, 2022.

[7]   C.Gao, H. Zhou, J. Liu, J. Xiu, Q. Huang, Y. Liang, T. Li*, and S. Hu*,Characteristics of frontal activity relevant to cognitive function in bipolardepression: an fNIRS study, Biomed. Opt. Express, 13(3), 1551-1563, 2022.

[8]   B.Sun, Z. Wu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Hao, Z. Wei, T. Li*, Golden Subject IsEveryone: A Subject Transfer Neural Network for Motor Imagery-based BrainComputer Interfaces, Neural Networks, 151:111-120, 2022.

[9]   H.Zhang, Z. Wu, X. Zhao, B. Sun, T. Li*, Adaptive Spatial Temporal GraphConvolutional Network for Motor Imagery Classification, IEEE Signal Proc.Lett., 28: 219-223, 2021.

[10]   B.Sun, H. Zhang, Z. Wu, B. Bao, Y. Hu, T. Li*, Compressed Sensing of Large-scaleLocal Field Potentials using Adaptive Sparsity Analysis and Non-convexOptimization, J. Neural Eng., 2021, 18(1): 028007. 

[11]   H.Zhang#, X. Zhao#, Z. Wu, B. Sun, T. Li*, Motor Imagery Recognition withAutomatic EEG Channel Selection and Deep Learning, J. Neural Eng., 2021,18(1):016004. 

[12] B. Sun, X. Zhao, H. Zhang, R. Bai, T.Li*, EEG Motor Imagery Classification with Sparse Spectrotemporal Decompositionand Deep Learning, IEEE Trans. Automation Sci. Eng., 2020. In press

[13] L. Shi, X. He, J. Ge, T. Zhou, T. Li,and S. W. Joo, The influence of electronic field intensity and particle lengthon the electrokinetic transport of cylindrical particles passing throughnanopore, Micromachines, 11, 722, 2020.

[14] B. Pan, J. Pu, T. Li*, M. Zhao, and X.Yang, Online Non-invasive Assessment of Human Brain Death by Near-infraredSpectroscopy with Protocol of O2 Inspiration, Oxygen Transport to TissueXXXVIII. Springer, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 2020. In Press.

[15] T. Li*, Y. Zhao, Y. Sun, K. Li, W. Li,M. Duan, and C. Gao, A Novel Approach to Access Capacities of Red Cells inDissolving Oxygen and Carrying Oxygen Based on a Portable Near-infraredSpectroscopy Device, Blood, 134(supplement_1): 4792, 2019.

[16] T. Li*, B Pan, Y. Gao, X. Huang, J. Pu,and C. Huang, Noninvasive and wearable optical monitoring of brain death withaid of a protocol at differentiated fractions of oxygen inspired, Blood,134(supplement_1): 5808, 2019.

[17] W. Liu, W. Chen, X. Fang, Y. Li, T. Li*,Monte Carlo Modeling of Photon Migration in Realistic Human Thoracic Tissuesfor Noninvasive Monitoring of Cardiac Hemodynamics, J. Biophotonics, 12(12):e201900148, 2019.

[18] X. Fang, H. Li, W. Liu, Y. Li, T. Li*,A parallel mode optimized GPU accelerated Monte Carlo model for lightpropagation in 3-D voxelized bio-tissues, IEEE Access, 7: 81593-81598, 2019.

[19] W. Wang, H. Su, Y. Wu, T. Zhou, T. Li*,Biosensing and biomedical applications of graphene: a review of currentprogress and future prospect, J. Electrochem. Society, 166(6):B505-B520, 2019.

[20] T. Li*, Y. Shang, W. Ge, OpticalTechnologies for Healthcare and Wellness Applications, J. Healthcare Eng.,2019: 1321348, 2019.

[21] C. Gao, M. Wang, L. He, Y. He, T. Li*,Alternations of hemodynamic parameters during Chinese cupping therapy assessed byan embedded near-infrared spectroscopy monitor, Biomed. Opt. Express,10(1):196-203, 2019.

[22] Z. Kong, T. Li, J. Luo, S. Xu*,Automatic tissue image segmentation based on image processing and deeplearning, J. Healthcare Eng., 2019: 2912458, 2019.

[23] W. Wang, H. Su, Y. Su, T. Li*, Currentapplication of graphene in biomedicine, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biologyand Medicine, suppl, 2019, in press.

[24] T. Li*, W. Wang, and Y. Su, A mobilehealth system with aid of noninvasive graphene biomedical sensors for multiplehealth parameters, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, suppl,2019, in press.

[25] B. Pan, C. Huang, X. Fang, X. Huang, T.Li*, Noninvasive and Sensitive Optical Assessment of Brain Death, J.Biophotonics, 12(3): e201800240, 2018.

[26] P. Wang, T. Li*, Which wavelength isoptimal for transcranial low-level laser stimulation? J. Biophotonics, 12(2):e201800173, 2018.

[27] J. Li, J. Pu, H. Cui, X. Xie, S. Xu, T.Li, Y. Hu*, An online P300 brain computer interface based on tactile selectiveattention of somatosensory electrical stimulation, J. Med. Biol. Eng.,39(?):1-7, 2019.

[28] X. Wan, G. Li, T. Li, W. Yan, G. He, L.Lin, A review on M + N theory and its strategies to improve the accuracy of spectrochemical composition analysis of complex liquids, Appl. Spectr. Rev., 55(2):87-104, 2020.

[29] X. Fang, B. Pan, W. Liu, Z. Wang, T.Li*, Effect of Scalp Hair Follicles on NIRS Quantification by Monte Carlo Simulation and Visible Chinese Human Dataset, IEEE Photonics J., 10(5):1-10,2018.

[30] T. Li*, Y. Lin, F. Zhong, Y. Gao, Longtime driving induced cerebral hemodynamic elevation and behavior degradation as assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy and avoluntary attention test, J. Biophotonics, 11(12): e201800160, 2018.

[31] W. Wang, Y. Su, and T. Li*, Graphene nanosensor is sensitive to quantify different concentrations of mouse glialcells, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, suppl, 2019, in press.

[32] W. Wang, Y. Su, and T. Li*, Nano-in-vitrodetection of human cancer cells by graphene sensor, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, suppl, 2019, in press.

[33] W. Liu, X. Fang, Q. Chen, Y. Li, T.Li*, Reliability analysis of an integrated device of ECG, PPG and pressurepulse wave for cardiovascular disease, Microelectronics Reliability, 87:183-187, 2018.

[34] K. Zhao, N. Li, Boan Pan, T. Li*,Performance Assessment of the NIRS-Based Medical System of EvaluatingTherapeutic Effect, Microelectronics Reliability, 87, 188-193, 2018.

[35] T. Li*, Z. Li, K. Zhao, B. Pan, Z.Wang, X. Yang, Reliability analysis of a mini-instrument for simultaneousmonitoring water content, deep tissue temperature, and hemodynamic parameters, Microelectronics Reliability, 86:72-76, 2018.

[36] T. Li*, P. Wang, L. Qiu, X. Fang, andY. Shang, Optimize illumination parameter of low-level laser therapy forhemorrhagic stroke by Monte Carlo simulation on Visible Human Dataset, IEEE Photonics J., 10(3):6100409,2018.

[37] K. Zhao, B. Pan, Z. Li, F. Zhong, P. Wang, T. Li*, Performance evaluation for a novel optoelectronic device for noninvasive monitoring thrombosis, Microelectronics Reliability, 84: 134-139,2018.

[38] Y. Zhao#, G. Xu, Y. Sun, B. Pan ,T.Li*, A portable High-density absolute-measure NIRS imager for detecting prefrontal lobe activity under fatigue driving, Microelectronics Reliability,82: 197-203, 2018.

[39] K. Zhao, Y.  Ji, Y.  Li, T. Li*, Online Removal of Baseline Shift with a Polynomial Function for Hemodynamic Monitoring Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. Sensors,18(1),312, 2018.

[40]Y. Zhao, L. Qiu, Y. Sun, C. Huang, T.Li*, Optimal hemoglobin extinction coefficient dataset for near-infraredspectroscopy, Biomed. Opt. Express, 8(11):5151-5159, 2017.

[41] L. Wu, Y. Lin, and T. Li*, Effect ofHuman Brain Edema on Light Propagation: A Monte Carlo Modeling Based on theVisible Chinese Human Dataset, IEEE Photonics J.,9(5):1-10, 2017.

[42] B. Pan, T. Li*, Yan Li, G. Xu, Reliable integrative autocorrelator device for particle fluctuation rate monitoring, Microelectronics Reliability, 78:280-284, 2017(audio slides invited).

[43]P. Wang, J. Sun, Q. Jiang, T. Li*,Cooling-controlled and reliable driving module for Low-level light therapy LEDhelmet, Microelectronics Reliability, 78:370-373, 2017(audio slides invited).

[44]T. Li*, F. Zhong, B. Pan, Z. Li, C.Huang, Z. Deng, A Brief Review of OPT101 Sensor Application in Near-InfraredSpectroscopy Instrumentation for Intensive Care Unit Clinics, Sensors,17(8):1701, 2017.Invited Review.

[45]F. Zhong, Z. Kong, G. Xu, T. Li*, HighRobustness and stability of a developed novel laser acupuncture theranosticdevice, Microelectronics Reliability, 78: 401-405, 2017(audio slides invited).

[46]T. Li*, C. Xue, P. Wang, Y. Li, L. Wu,Photon penetration depth in human brain for light monitoring and treatment: ARealistic Monte Carlo Simulation Study, J. Innovative Opt. Health Sci.,10(5):1743002, 2017.

[47]Y. Zhao, L. Qiu, K. Zhao, K. Li, Y.Sun, L. Meng, Z. Huang, T. Li*, Effect of 850 nm on reliability of735/805/850-nm LED involved Near-infrared Spectroscopy biomedical device,Microelectronics Reliability, 78: 406-410, 2017(audio slides invited).

[48]T. Li*, Y. Su, L. Wu, B. Pan, Y. Li,Reliability analysis of a newly developed detector for monitoring spine health,Microelectronics Reliability, 78:411-414, 2017.

[49]T. Li*, Y. Li, Y. Lin, Kai Li,Significant and sustaining elevation of blood oxygen induced by Chinese cuppingtherapy as assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy, Biomed. Opt. Express.8(1):223-229, 2017.

[50]Y. Shang, T. Li, G. Yu, Clinicalapplications of near-infrared diffuse correlation spectroscopy and tomographyfor tissue blood flow monitoring and imaging, Physiol. Meas., 38(4): R1-R26,2017, Invited Review (获选为Highlights of 2017).

[51]T. Li*, Y. Sun, X. Chen, et al.Noninvasive diagnosis and therapeutic effect evaluation of deep vein thrombosisin clinics by NIR spectroscopy. J. Biomed. Opt. 20(1), 010502, 2015.

[52]T. Li1*, M. Duan1, K. Li, G. Yu, Z.Ruan. Bedside monitoring of patients with shock using a portablespatially-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy. Biomed. Opt. Express,6(9):3431-3436, 2015. (1Equally contributed)

[53]T. Li*, Y. Li, Y. Sun, M. Duan, L.Peng. Effect of head model on Monte Carlo modeling of spatial sensitivitydistribution for functional near-infrared spectroscopy, J. Innovative Opt.Health Sci., 8(5): 1550024, 2015.

[54]Z. Ruan1, T. Li1, R. Ren et al,Monitoring tissue blood oxygen saturation in the internal jugular venous areaby NIRS. Gene. Molecular Res., 14(1): 2920-2928, 2015. (1Equally contributed)

[55]T. Li*, Y. Zhao, Y. Sun, K.Li. Effectsof wavelength, beam type and size on cerebral low-level laser therapy by aMonte Carlo study on Visible Chinese Human. J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci.,8(1),1540002, 2015.

[56]T. Li, Y. Lin, Y. Shang, L. He, C.Huang, M. Szabunio, G. Yu*. Simultaneous measurement of deep tissue blood flowand oxygenation using noncontact diffuse correlation spectroscopyflow-oximeter. Sci. Rep., 3:1358, 2013.

[57]T. Li*, H. Gong, Q. Luo. Visualizationof light propagation in Visible Chinese Human head for functional near-infraredspectroscopy. J. Biomed. Opt., 2011, 16(4), 045001.

[58]T. Li, Q. Luo, H. Gong*.Gender-specific hemodynamics in prefrontal cortex during visual verbal workingmemory by near-infrared spectroscopy. Behav. Brain Res., 2010, 209(1): 148-153.

[59]T. Li, H. Gong, Q. Luo*. MCVM: MonteCarlo modeling of photon migration in voxelized media. J. Innov. Opt. HealthSci., 2010, 3(2): 91-102.

[60]T. Li, L.Li , Q. Luo, H. Gong*.Assessing Working Memory in Real-life Situations with Functional Near-infraredSpectroscopy. J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci., 2009, 2(4): 423-430.

[61]T. Li, H. Gong, Q. Luo et al. Pinpointsource location for ocular nonselective attention with combination of ERP andfNIRI measurements. J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci., 2008, 1(2): 195-206.

[62]Y. Shang, T. Li, L. Chen, Y. Lin, M.Toborek, and G. Yu, Extraction of diffuse correlation spectroscopy flow indexby integration of Nth-order linear model with Monte Carlo simulation. Appl.Phys. Lett., 104(19), 193703, 2014.

[63]K. R. Dhakal, L. Gu, T. Li, et al.Non-Scanning Fiber-Optic Near-Infrared Beam Led to Two-Photon OptogeneticStimulation In-Vivo. Plosone, 9(11): e111488, 2014.

[64]J. Zhai, T. Li, H. Gong, et al.Hemodynamic and electrophysiological signals of conflict processing in theChinese-character Stroop task: a simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy andevent-related potential study. J. Biomed. Opt., 2009, 14(5): 054022.

[65]龚辉, 李成军, 李婷等. 前额叶皮层工作记忆作用的近红外光学成像. 中国科学, G, 2007, 37(增刊): 110-117.



[1]   李婷,徐圣普,赵星,蒲江波,罗维,可抗个体差异的运动想象布尔决策型脑机接口方法,发明专利,授权号:202010765204.X,2020.08.03

[2]   李婷高晨阳,一种通用光学生理信号检测探头装置,发明专利,201811516202.6,实用新型:授权号:209678521 U

[3] 高晨阳李婷,基于小间距参考通道的表层干扰在线去除装置及其方法,发明专利,201910316291.8 实用新型,授权号:210541519 U

[4]李婷 高晨阳,拔罐疗法中的血液动力学参数检测系统及其疗效评估方法. 发明专利,201811266861.9,实用新型,授权号:CN 209269674 U

[5]李婷 王鹏波,一种高精度的带有负反馈的三维智能平移台. 发明专利,201711222534.9;实用新型,授权号:201721623363.6

[6]李婷赵越李凯高原朱厉阳. 一种人体深层组织温度测量仪及测量方法. 发明专利, 授权号:201410717936.6.

[7]李婷赵越等. 一种用于外科手术的微创手术刀. 发明专利, 授权号:ZL201410366477.1.

[8]李婷, 赵越, 李凯等. 一种局部脑组织血氧血容绝对量检测装置及检测方法. 发明专利, 授权号:ZL201310727464.8.

[9]Guoqiang Yu, Katelyn Gurley, Ting Li, etal. Noninvasive Quantification of Tissue Blood Flow and Oxygenation UsingNoncontact Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy Flow-Oximeter, U.S. Patent#61563869,2012.

[10]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭. 光在生物组织中传输特性的定量蒙特卡罗模拟方法. 发明专利, 授权号: ZL200810047962.7.

[11]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭等. 一种实现近红外脑功能检测仪测量同步的方法和装置. 发明专利, 授权号: ZL 200810306739.X.

[12]李婷, 龚辉,骆清铭等. 一种光学多参数生理监测仪. 发明专利,授权号: ZL 200910303109.1.

[13]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭. 获取稳态/瞬态光漫射特性的分析系统及方法. 发明专利, 授权号: ZL200910300161.1.

[14]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭. 近红外医学检测仪多通道/多台机同步控制系统及方法. 发明专利, 授权号: ZL 200910300164.5.

[15]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭. 一种实现近红外脑功能检测仪测量同步的装置. 实用新型, 授权号: CN200820303953.5.

[16]李婷, 龚辉, 骆清铭. 近红外医学检测仪多通道多台机同步控制系统. 实用新型, 授权号:CN200910300164.5.

[17]李婷, 龚辉,骆清铭.光在多体素组织中传输的蒙特卡罗模拟软件,登记号:2009SR043727.



[1] T. Li, Z. Liu, “Outlook and Challengesof Nano Devices, Sensors, and MEMS”, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-50822-1/20824-5,3/2017.

[2] 李婷,《生物医学光子传输》,武汉大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-307-15668-5,10/2015.

[3] 李婷,e-book《光在三维宏观非均匀介质中传输的蒙特卡罗模拟》, Google 2010(截止Google设墙以前下载量超过1200人次).



1. 信息技术 人工智能 机动车驾驶员状态视频采集系统规范. 团体标准T/CESA 1044-2019,中国电子工业标准化技术协会发布(发布日期:2019-04-01)。主要起草人:钱晨,…, 李婷等。

2. 智能医疗影响辅助诊断系统技术要求和测试评价方法. 团体标准,T/CESA 1109-2020,中国电子工业标准化技术协会发布(发布日期:2020-07-30)。主要起草人:张伟,…,李婷等。

3. 信息技术 穿戴式设备 术语,国家标准,GB/T 40683-2021,TC28(全国信息技术标准化技术委员会)发布(发布日期:2021-10-11),起草人:张展新、…, 李婷等。

4. 信息技术 人工智能术语,国家标准(推荐性),GB/T信息技术,GB/T 41867-2022 (2022-10-14),起草人:鲍薇、…..、李婷等。

5. 医用电气设备 第2-71部分:功能近红外光谱(NIRS)设备的基本安全和基本性能专用要求,国家标准(强制性),安全,GB 9706.271-2022,(发布日期:2022-12-29),主要起草人:郑建、…..李婷、邓皓等。

6. 医用电气设备 第2-75部分:光动力治疗和光动力诊断设备的基本安全和基本性能专用要求,国家标准(强制性),安全,GB 9706.275-2022,(发布日期:2022-12-29),主要起草人:郑建、…..李婷、邓皓等。

7. 人工智能术语标准,国家标准,GB/T信息技术,GB/T 20190851-T-469.



李婷,胡勇,徐圣普,蒲江波等. 截瘫助行机器人的有效性及安全性临床训练测试与示范应用,编号:20198121708,发布时间:2019年6月6日










[1] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “功能近红外光谱术原理、仪器化及应用”, “未来骨科,医工融合“第18期,2022

[2] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NoninvasiveOptical Monitoring & Biomodulation in Deep Tissue”, 中国生物医学工程年会,传感技术分会、青年分会,2022

[3] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NoninvasiveOptical Monitoring & Biomodulation in Deep Tissue”, 全国激光技术与光电子学术会议(LTO02022),生物医学光子学分会,2021

[4] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NoninvasiveOptical Monitoring & Biomodulation in Deep Tissue”, 神经重症康复中心康复周,Tianjin,Dec. 22h, 2020.

[5] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NoninvasiveOptical Monitoring & Biomodulation in Deep Tissue”, 天津华科校友会,Tianjin,Dec. 19th, 2020.

[6] Ting Li, 专题主席,“生理参数监测”,中国生命电子年会,Foshan, Dec.3-5th, 2020

[7] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “Deep TissueMonitoring & Biomodulation with Near-infrared Photon ”, 西湖论坛*脑机接口研讨会,杭州,Nov. 6th, 2020.

[8] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “Functionalnear-infrared (correlational) spectroscopy of deep tissue hemodynamics forneurorehabilitation”, 中国智能康复与人机工程年会,July 26th, 2020.

[9] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “Effect of vocand big-LED screen on human brain function for Healthy building ”, Forum priorHealthy Building Conference,Changsha,July 6th, 2019.

[10] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “noninvasiveoptical monitoring in deep tissue: from Bench to clinics”, 中国生物医学工程学会生物医学光子学分会换届大会,海口,April 26-28th, 2019.

[11] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “适于多生理参数穿戴监测的体温检测技术”, 华为运动健康论坛,深圳,April 11-12th, 2019.

[12] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “4-DNear-infrared light propagation modeling and its application”, 中国生命电子学会年会,武汉,November 13-16th, 2018.

[13] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “多模态检测技术的心肌缺血诊断与预测研究”,中国生命电子学会年会,武汉,November 13-16th, 2018

[14] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “FunctionalNear-infrared Spectroscopy/tomography of Deep Tissue Hemodynamics: From Benchto Clinics”, 中国生物医学工程联合学术年会, Shenzhen, September20-22th, 2018

[15] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “Near-infraredlight in noninvasive deep tissue monitoring: from lab to hospital”, IEEE OGC 2018,Shenzhen, September 4-6th, 2018

[16] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “Opticalmonitoring and treatment for deep tissue hemodynamics and 4-D light transportmodeling in biological tissues”, Multidisciplinary cross academic Federation,Nankai University, June 10th, 2018.

[17] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NIRS/DCS fordeep tissue hemodynamics: from lab to hospitals”, International Forum forHealth Electronics, Beijing, June 4th, 2018

[18] Ting Li, Invited Talk, “NIRS/DCS fordeep tissue hemodynamics monitoring and treatment: from bench to clinics”,International Symposium for Medical Photonics, Beijing, June 1st-3rd, 2018

[19] Ting Li, Invited Talk, ‘Noninvasiveoptical technology for Chinese Medicine’, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, Xian,May 28-31, 2018.

[20] T. Li, Invited Talk, ‘FunctionalNear-infrared spectroscopy/tomography of Deep Tissue Hemodynamics: Applicationon Thrombosis and Shock’, CMACHC(中国心脏大会暨中国血管大会),Beijing, 2017.8.12.

[21] T. Li, Invited Talk, ‘FunctionalNear-infrared spectroscopy/tomography of Deep Tissue Hemodynamics forMonitoring and Treatment’ Beihang International Scholar conference, 2016.12,Beijing

[22] T. Li, Invited Talk, ‘FunctionalNear-infrared spectroscopy/tomography’ Behang University, 2016.9, Beijing

[23] T. Li, Invited Talk, ‘Near-infraredspectroscopy/tomography for medical monitoring and treatment,’ Chinese Academyof Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, 2016.7, Tianjin

[24] T. Li, Invited Talk, ‘Near-infraredspectroscopy-based detector for specified clinics,’ INEC, 2016.5, Chengdu.

[25] T. Li, Invited talk, ‘From bench toclinics: Biomedical optical devices’, IEEE OECC, 2015.7, Shanghai.

[26] T. Li, Invited talk, ‘Study onmonitoring shock with space-resolved NIRS’, PIBM, 2014, 6, Wuhan.

[27] T. Li, invited talk, ’Near-infraredlight stimulation and monitoring in biomedicine’, distinguished youngresearcher symposium, Engineering College, Zhongshan University, 2014, 4.

[28] T. Li, Invited talk, ‘Noncontactdiffuse correlation spectroscopy flow-oximeter for simultaneous measurement ofdeep tissue blood flow and oxygenation’, IEEE IEDMS 2013, Taiwan.

[29] T. Li, Invited talk, ’Near-infraredlight monitoring and treatment’, 2012, 10, Life Science &TechnologyCollege, University of Electronic Science &Technology.

[30] T. Li, Invited talk, ‘Near-infraredspectroscopy & light propagation’, Nirfast workshop, 2012, Miami, Florida(Achieved $500 award)

[31] T. Li, Invited talk, ‘4-D modeling oflight propagation in biological tissue’, IEEE ISOT 2011, Hongkong.


2023   第十八届“挑战杯”学术科技作品首都一等奖,ThromScaner-无创光电智能血栓监测仪项目,获推进全国总决赛(1/全院校),指导老师

2023   第六届中国医疗器械创新创业大赛三等奖,基于近红外光谱术的穿戴式无创血栓监测仪,项目负责人

2022   年度青年科技创新奖一等奖,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所

2021   十佳中国电子学会优秀科技工作者

2021   国家青年拔尖人才,中共中央组织部

2021   年度青年科技创新奖一等奖,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所

2020   天津杰青

2020   天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次人才

2020   中国中医药信息学会优秀科技工作者

2020   年度青年科技创新奖一等奖,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所

2019   MelvinH. Knisely 奖获得者(遴选率:每年1名/全球;1983年启奖以来中国唯一获奖者). In recognition for her persistent efforts andoutstanding research on oxygen transport in deep tissue of human body bynoninvasive optical technologies.

2019  “Noninvasive andsensitive optical assessment of brain death”被 AdvancedScienceNews.com头版播报

2019  年度青年科技创新奖一等奖,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所

2019  第三批天津市特殊支持人才计划高层次创新团队,智能康复机器人技术创新团队, 负责人

2018  第五批天津市创新人才推进计划,中青年科技领军人才

2018  天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第二层次人才

2018  “Longtime driving induced cerebral hemodynamic elevationand behavior degradation as assessed…”获选Journal of Biophotonics封面文章

2018  “Clinicalapplications of near-infrared diffuse correlation spectroscopy and tomographyfor tissue blood flow monitoring and imaging”被SCI期刊Physiological Measurement选为Highlight of 2017.

2018   国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项截瘫助行机器人总体组成员

2017   大学生智能互联创新大赛全国一等奖团队,优秀导师

2016   “华为杯”第十一届中国电子设计竞赛系列,荣获“最佳指导老师”荣誉称号

2015   研发的光学无创休克监护仪获美国光学学会采访报道(该媒体十年来鲜见大陆的科技成果报道)、Phys Org、BusinessWire、OFweek、斯坦福-台湾生物医学网、电子科大主页报道等

2015   电子科技大学,微固院士奖励基金,微固年度个人

2015   大学生挑战杯科创大赛全国一等奖团队,优秀导师

2014   深圳孔雀团队人才计划核心成员(排第一位)

2012   美国Nirfast workshop奖金

2009   Britton ChanceCenter for Biomedical Photonics 年度报告杰出奖(2/~180)

2006   研究生会主席Super Star (3/全校)


1. 国际组织成员:ISO/IEC/IEEE国际标准化委员会、国际光学工程学会(SPIE)、IEEE、美国光学学会等

2.  国内学会委员:中国生物医学工程学会传感技术分会、医学光子学分会的委员;中国医疗保健国际交流促进会临床工程与健康产业分会委员;天津医学影像技术研究会基础分会委员。

3.  入选的专家库:国家健康科普首批专家,国家层面科技报道专家,国家科学技术奖励评审专家,国家药品监督管理局医疗器械审评专家,科技部专家库,工信部专家库,国家自然科学基金委信息学部和医学部评审专家,天津市科技专家库专家,天津市药品监督管理局医疗器械技术评审专家

4.  SCI期刊编委: Biomedical Engineering Online(副主编), International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (副主编), Sensors, Frontiers in Psychology, Microelectr. Reliability, J. Healthcare Eng., J. Spectroscopy

5.  国际学术会议组委: EDSSC2014 (Session chair), INEC2016 (Publication chair, Session chair), ISOTT47th annual conference (Session Chair),IRHE2019(Session Chair)

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