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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg主持或承担多项临床研究,如中国老年住院患者衰弱现状调查及其健康结局研究、定量方法比较研究的样本量公式及相应软件的研制、零频数过多计数资料的统计学模型研究、低危妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤(GTN)化疗策略的优化、生物医学本体支持的通用数据元素表示和应 用系统建设、盆底功能障碍性疾病规范化诊疗、环丝氨酸治疗MDR-TB临床研究、转移性软组织肉瘤患者口服ENMD-2076的临床研究、过敏原皮肤点刺液有效性和安全性研究、肿瘤特异性蛋白70检测试剂盒临床研究、全光纤铥激光治疗机治疗良性前列腺增生临床验证试验等。
· 以第一作者或通讯作者(*)发表的英文论文 1,Xu Tao, et al. Relationshipbetween perinatal characteristics and later activities of daily living inChinese elderly people. Chinese Medical Journal (Eng).2009;122: 1015-9 2,Xu Tao, et al. Surveyof Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension among ChineseGovernmental and Institutional Employees in Beijing. ClinicalCardiology.2010,33: E66–E72 3,Xu Tao, et al. Relationshipbetween birth head circumference and adulthood quality of life in Chinesepeople. J Paediatrics and Child Health. 2010;46:642-6 4,Xu Tao, et al. Associationof psychological risk factors and acute myocardial infarction in China: theINTER-HEART China study. Chinese Medical Journal (Eng). 2011;124:2083-2088 5,Xu Tao, et al. Trendof Body Compositions with Aging among Chinese Adolescents,Adults and Elders. J Nutr HealthAging. 2015;19(10):962-9. 6,Xu Tao, et al. Gender-specificprevalence and associated risk factors of high normal blood pressure andhypertension among multi-ethnic Chinese adolescents aged 8-18 years old. BloodPress. 2015;24(3):189-95. 7,Xu Tao, etal.Prevalence of prehypertension and associated risk factors among Chineseadults from a large-scale multi-ethnic population survey. BMC PublicHealth. 2016;16:775. 8,Xu Tao, et al. Studyof depression influencing factors with zero-inflatedregression models in a large-scale population survey. BMJ Open.2017;0:e016471. 9,Xu Tao, et al. Studyof zero-inflated regression models in a large-scale population survey onsub-health status and its influencing factors. Chin Med Sci J. 2017;32(4):218-225. 10,Xu Tao, et al. Relationbetween metabolic syndrome and body compositions among Chinese adolescents andadults from a large-scale population survey. BMC Public Health.2017;17(1):337. 11,Wang Danchen,etal, Xu Tao*.Effects of sex,age, sampling time, and season on thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations: Aretrospective study. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018;506(3):450-454. 12, Xu Tao, et al. An investigation of lower urinary tract symptomsandits potential associated factors in adultChinese women with zero-inflated negative binomial regressionmodel. Medicine(Baltimore).2019;98(40):e17409. 13,Xu Tao, et al. Prevalenceand Potential Associated Factors of Depression Among Chinese OlderInpatients. The journal ofnutrition, health & aging. 2019;23(10):997-1003 14,Xu Tao, etal. Prevalence of and lifestyle factors associated with metabolicsyndrome determined using multi-level models in Chineseadults from a cross-sectional survey. Medicine(Baltimore). 2020;99(44):e22883. 15,Liu Hongpeng, et al, XuTao*. Associations between Nutritional Status,SociodemographicCharacteristics, and Health-Related Variables andHealth-Related Quality ofLife Among Chinese Elderly Patients: A MulticenterProspective Study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2020; 7:583161 16,Xu Tao, et al. Prevalenceof Suboptimal Health Status and the Relationships between Suboptimal HealthStatus and Lifestyle Factors among Chinese Adults Using a Multi-LevelGeneralized Estimating Equation Model. Int J Environ Res Public Health.2020;17(3).pii: E763 17,Xu Tao, et al. Prevalenceand Associated Lifestyle Factors of Suboptimal Health Status among ChineseChildren Using a Multi-Level Model. Int J Environ Res Public Health.2020;17(5).pii: E1497 18,Liu Hongpeng, et al, XuTao*. Potential associated factors of functional disability inChinese older inpatients: a multicenter cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr. 2020;20:319 19,Jiao Jing,et al,XuTao*. Prevalence and associated factors for frailty among elderpatients in China: a multicentre cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr.2020;20(1):100. 20, Yuan Li, etal, Xu Tao*.Prevalence of cognitive impairment inChinese older inpatients and itsrelationship with 1-year adverse healthoutcomes: a multi-center cohort study. BMC Geriatr. 2021. 21:595 21, Zhang Xiaoming, et al, XuTao*. Association of polypharmacy with falls amongolder Chinese inpatients: A nationwide cohort study. Geriatrics & GerontologyInternational. 2021;21(9):810-817. 22, ZhangXiaoming, et al, Xu Tao*. CognitiveFrailtyand Falls in a National Cohort of Older Chinese Inpatients. Journalofnutrition health & aging. 2021;25(8):993-998. 23, Zhang Xiaoming,et al, Xu Tao*. Handgrip Strength and Depression AmongOlder Chinese Inpatients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Neuropsychiatric Diseaseand Treatment. 2021;17:1267-1277. 24, Zhang Xiaoming,et al, Xu Tao*.Cognitive Frailty and 30-Day Mortality in a National Cohort of Older ChineseInpatients. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2021:16 389-401. 25, Pang Haiyu, etal, Xu Tao*. A Nationwide Population-based Survey on thePrevalence and Risk Factors of Symptomatic Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Adult Womenin China-A Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System-BasedStudy. BJOG.2021;128(8):1313-1323. 26, Zhang Xiaoming, et al, Xu Tao*. Association Between Low Handgrip Strength and90-Day Mortality Among Older Chinese Inpatients: A National MulticenterProspective Cohort Study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2021;8:628628. 27, Liu Hongpeng, et al, Xu Tao*.Nutritional Status According to the Short-Form Mini Nutritional Assessment(MNA-SF) and Clinical Characteristics as Predictors of Length of Stay,Mortality, and Readmissions Among Older Inpatients in China: A National Study.FrontNutr. 2022; 9:815578. 28, Liu Junting, etal, Xu Tao*. Joint Association of Metabolic Health andObesity withTen-Year Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Chinese Adults.Biomed Environ Sci. 2022; 35(1): 13-21. 29, Jiao Jing, et al, Xu Tao*. Association between Frailty and90-Day Outcomes amongst the Chinese Population: A Hospital-Based MulticentreCohort Study. Gerontology. 2022; 68 (1):8-16 30, Zhang Xiao-Ming, et al, Xu Tao*. The association between frailty of older stroke patients during hospitalization and one-year all-cause mortality: A multicenter survey in China. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.2022; 9(2): 162-168. 31, Chen Feilong , Yuan Li , Xu Tao *, Liu Junting , Han Shaomei. Association ofHyperuricemia with 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk amongChinese Adults and Elders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022, 19(11): 6713. 32, Zhang Xiao-Ming, Xu Tao*. The association betweencognitive impairment and 30-day mortality among older Chinese inpatients. FrontMed (Lausanne). 2022 Aug 24;9:896481. 33, Chen Feilong , Liu Junting , Han Shaomei , Xu Tao*. Association between 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseRisk and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Chinese People with Normal toSlightly Reduced Kidney Function: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022 Dec 5;19(23):16300. 34, Li Lin, et al, Xu Tao *. Association between calf circumference andincontinence in Chinese elderly. BMC Public Health . 2023.23:471. 35, Yuan Li, Chen Feilong, Han Shaomei, Xu Tao*. Relationship between depression and lifestyle factors in Chineseadults using multi-level generalized estimation equation model. Chinese MedicalJournal. Chin Med J (Engl). 2023;136(7):871-873 36, Li Shaoli, et al, Xu Tao* .Relationships between antibiotic exposure and asthma in adults in the UnitedStates: results of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between1999 and 2018. Front Public Health. 2023. 11:1123555. 37. Chen Feilong, Shi Yunping, Yu Miao, Hu Yuehua, Li Tao, Cheng Yijing, Xu Tao *, Liu Junting. Joint effect of BMI and metabolic status on mortalityamong adults: a population-based longitudinal study in United States. ScientificReports. 2024;14(1): 2775 38. Bi Qian , Lian Xin, Shen Jing, Zhang Fuquan, Xu Tao *. Exploration ofradiotherapy strategy for brain metastasis patients with driver gene positivityin lung cancer.J Cancer. 2024 Feb 12;15(7):1994-2002 以第一作者或通讯作者(*)发表的中文论文 1,徐涛,等.深圳市农村老年人生活质量及其影响因素研究.中华老年医学杂志,2003,22(7):427-429 2,徐涛,等.深圳市农村老年人生活满意度与心理状况调查.中国临床心理学杂志,2003,11(2):123-124 3,徐涛,等.社区老年人生活质量评价及评定方法.中国公共卫生,2003,19(2):240-242 4,姜宝法,徐涛(通讯作者),等.简明健康调查问卷对农村老年人生活质量的评价.中国临床康复杂志, 2005,9(7):172-174 5,徐涛,等.用矩法进行正态性检验及其在统计软件中的实现.中国卫生统计,2008, 25:311-313 6,徐涛,等.中小学生SCL-90测试结果分析. 中国临床心理学杂志,2009,17:110-111,114 7,徐涛,等.四川省汉族与藏族人群亚健康状态现患率和症状数的比较.中华医学杂志,2009,89(38):2671-2674 8,徐涛,等.用logistic回归模型和负二项回归模型分析藏族人群亚健康状态的危险因素.中国组织工程研究与临床康复.2009,13:6597-6600 9,徐涛,等.负二项回归模型在日常生活功能研究中的应用. 中国卫生统计,2009,26:505-506,508 10,徐涛,等.中国11省市成年人吸烟和被动吸烟情况调查. 中国慢性病预防与控制,2010,18:229-230,22 11,徐涛,等.零频数过多模型在亚健康状态研究中的应用. 中华流行病学杂志, 2011, 32: 187-191 12,徐涛,等.医学院研究生医学统计学考试试卷质量测评.中华医学教育杂志.2015;35(5):795-797 13,徐涛,等.藏族与汉族青少年身体成分比较.协和医学杂志.2016;7(2):110-114 14,徐涛,等.护理本科生医学统计学考试试卷质量测评.基础医学与临床杂志,2017,37(4):580-583 15,徐涛,等.八年制学生医学统计学考试试卷质量测评. 中国卫生统计,2018,35(2): 315-16,20 16, 刘军廷, 等, 徐涛 (通讯作者). 中国六省学龄儿童体重指数、体脂百分比评价肥胖与心血管代谢危险因素的相关性 2022, 30(5): 469-474. 17,徐涛,等. 线上线下不同教学模式下医学统计学考试的测评分析. 中国医学科学院学报. 2022,44(3): 542-546 18. 李琳,陈飞龙,李晓艳,高逸远,朱思霖,刁茜叶子,王宁, 徐涛 (通讯作者). 中国老年人粪或尿失禁发生风险的预测模型.中华老年医学杂志.2023,42(6):76-732 19. 陈飞龙,徐涛(通讯作者).定量方法比较研究的样本量考虑.临床检验杂志,2023,41(5):380-384 20. 陈飞龙, 徐涛(通讯作者). 基于回归的定量指标一致性评价的样本量公示研制.中国医学科学院学报, 2024,42(02):225-231. |
教材和专著 1, 副主编. 医学统计学(基础篇基础). 科学出版社. 2022. 2,参编. 流行病学与应用多元统计分析. 中国协和医科大学出版社. 2022 3,副主编. 医学统计学基础. 科学出版社. 2018. 4,副主编. 医学实用多元统计学. 科学出版社. 2014. 5,副主编. 中国人生理常数与健康状况调查报告-宁夏自治区数据集. 中国协和医科大学出版社. 2012. 6,参编. 医学统计学(第3版). 中国协和医科大学出版社. 2018 7,参编. 医学统计与CHISS应用. 人民军医出版社.2006 |