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崔巍带领的检验科团队有58名员工,科室人才梯队合理,高级职称8人,中级职称22人;获得博士学位16人,硕士学位7人;医师有11人,研究系列4人;博士生导师2人。作为导师,崔巍已培养博士生12人,硕士生13人,现有在研博士生3人,硕士生1人。多数博士研究生都有出国参加国际学术会议交流或是在国外学习的经历,包括与美国哈佛大学Brigham Women Hospital及斯坦福大学的联合培养。除培养研究生外,崔巍负责检验科也是国家级和北京市住院医师培训基地,是ISO15189认可的医学实验室。长期以来,崔巍倡导用科研思维做检验,用临床思维维发报告,重视科研、检验与临床的结合。作为导师和教师,崔巍承担着研究生、检验专业本科生、住院医师、进修生、实习生的理论授课和实践考核指导。除承担科研课题外,崔巍还承担了4项教学基金,来自北京协和医学院和中国医学科学院肿瘤医院,她所完成的多媒体课件和案例分析已在北京协和医院网站自主学习平台发布,供学生使用。出版学术专著10余本,其中包括参加3部八年制和研究生实验诊断学教材、1部住院医师教材及第四版全国临床检验操作规程等编写工作。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg代表性研究项目(课题负责人)
1 | 肺癌和结直肠癌多中心筛查的随机对照试验和前瞻性队列研究 2018.07 -2020.12 | 国家重点研发计划项目 重大慢性非传染性疾病防控研究 |
2 | 循环多肽组在恶性肿瘤预后预测中的临床应用研究 2017.01-2020.12 | 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程 |
3 | 干细胞因子Sall4在顺铂治疗卵巢癌疗效监测和耐药复发中的临床价值和机制研究 2018.01-2021.12 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
4 | 转录因子SALL4在卵巢癌发生发展和预后判断中的作用研究 2015.01-2018.12 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
5 | 干细胞因子SALL4在MDS发生发展和判断预后中的作用 2011.01-2013.12 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
6 | 癌基因SALL4对造血干细胞调节作用的研究 2008.01-2010.12 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
7 | 花生四烯酸细胞色素P450通路在肝癌中的代谢调控机制及临床应用研究 2016.01-2018.06 | 北京自然科学基金面上项目 |
8 | 外周血循环肿瘤细胞分离鉴定新方法的建立及其在肺癌个体化诊疗中的意义 2012.07-2015.06 | 北京市科学技术委员会吴阶平基金会 |
9 | 流式细胞术的临床应用外周血淋巴细胞免疫表型分析的质量保证 2008.09 -2009.08 | 国家标准化管理委员会基金/卫生部规财司/卫生部临床检验标准化专业委员会 |
10 | 探讨规范化模拟考核体系在检验医学住院医师培训中的作用 | 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院 |
11 | PBL教学模式在实验诊断学中的应用探讨 2015.07-2016.06 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院校级教育教学改革立项项目 |
序号 | 论著(论文)名称 | 发表期刊 | 发表时间 |
1 | Accelerated telomere shortening independent of LRRK2 variants in Chinese patients with Parkinson's disease. | Aging | 2020, 10 |
2 | Peripheral Blood Leukocyte N6-methyladenosine is a Noninvasive Biomarker for Non-small-cell Lung Carcinoma. | OncoTargets and Therapy | 2020, 11 |
3 | Evaluation of the SureX HPV genotyping test for the detection of hogh-rishk HPV in cervicel cancer screening | Virology Journal | 2020, 10 |
4 | Performance of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS) indiagnosisofovariancancer:a systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal of Wvarian Research | 2020.01 |
5 | DNA N6-methyladenine modification in hypertension. | Aging (Albany NY) | 2020,04 |
6 | Differential expression of SALL4 in CTCs derived from hydatidiform moles and gestational trophoblastic neoplasms | Am J Reprod Immunol | 2020,03 |
7 | miR-1299/NOTCH3/TUG1 feedback loop contributes to the malignant proliferation of ovarian cancer. | Oncology Reports | 2020.03 |
8 | Establishment of the intelligent verification criteria for a routine urinalysis analyzer in a multi-center study. | Clin Chem Lab Med | 2019.11 |
9 | Association of N6-methyladenine DNA with plaque progression in atherosclerosis via myocardial infarction-associated transcripts. | Cell Death & Disease | 2019,10 |
10 | Preoperative D-dimer and Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase Predict Major Complications and Survival in Colorectal Liver Metastases Patients After Resection. | Translational Oncology | 2019.07 |
11 | Platelets promote invasion and induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer cells by TGF-b signaling pathway | Gynecologic Oncology | 2019.02 |
12 | Usefulness of plasma D-dimer level for monitoring development of distant organ metastasis on colorectal cancer patients after curative resection | Cancer Management and Research | 2018.10 |
13 | Oncotarget | 2017.0 8 | |
14 | Establishment of review criteria for a hematology analyzer with an automated review function. | International Journal of Laboratory Hematology | 2016.12 |
15 | Leukemic survival factor SALL4 contributes to defective DNA damage repaire. | Oncogene | 2016.11 |
16 | Biological Variations of Lupus Anticoagulant, Antithrombin, Protein C, Protein S, and von Willebrand Factor Assays. | Semin Thromb Hemost. | 2016.04 |
17 | Leukocyte common antigen (CD45) negative follicular lymphoma, a rare immunophenotypic presentation. | 2015. 10 | |
18 | Intra-day and inter-day biological variations of peripheral blood lymphocytes. | 2015.01 | |
19 | Homocysteine accelerates senescence of endothelial cell via DNA hypomethylation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase. | Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol | 2015.01 |
20 | Patterns of circulating tumor cells identified by CEP8, CK and CD45 in pancreatic cancer | 2014.07 | |
21 | High risk human papillomavirus infection associated with telomere elongation in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with poor prognosis | Cancer | 2014.09 |
22 | Stem cell factor SALL4, a potential prognostic marker for myelodysplastic syndromes | Journal of Hematology & Oncology | 2013.06 |
23 | Differential expression of the novel oncogene, SALL4, in lymphoma, plasma cell myeloma, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia | Modern Pathology | 2006.12 |
24 | Expression of lymphocytes and its subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. | Clinical Infection Disease | 2003.09 |