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分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室焦宇辰课题组,长期围绕肿瘤临床诊疗的核心问题,主要从事消化系统和神经系统恶性肿瘤的癌症基因组、分子分型及无创活检研究,筛选可用于临床诊疗的分子标志物。 目前,课题组包含研究员焦宇辰,副研究员王小兵、刘梅,主管技师李茉,技师张滢,以及十余名硕士和博士研究生。
1. 2020.1-2023.12, 国自然科学基金面上项目,LKB1/TNIK信号轴调控结直肠癌转移的机制研究,课题编号:81972767;金额:55万。
2. 2016.1-2016.12, 国自然科学基金应急管理项目,MiR-486-5p调控肝癌细胞上皮间质转化和肿瘤微环境变化的机制及其临床意义, 课题编号:81641113;金额:10万。
3. 2013.1-2015.12,国自然科学基金青年基金,miR-492影响宫颈癌细胞放化疗敏感性的机制研究, 课题编号:81302279;金额:23万。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg1. 2020.1-2023.12, 国自然科学基金面上项目,LKB1/TNIK信号轴调控结直肠癌转移的机制研究,课题编号:81972767;金额:55万。
2. 2016.1-2016.12, 国自然科学基金应急管理项目,MiR-486-5p调控肝癌细胞上皮间质转化和肿瘤微环境变化的机制及其临床意义, 课题编号:81641113;金额:10万。
3. 2013.1-2015.12,国自然科学基金青年基金,miR-492影响宫颈癌细胞放化疗敏感性的机制研究, 课题编号:81302279;金额:23万。
[1] ZhangY, Li N, Yuan G, Yao H, Zhang D, Li N, Zhang G, Sun Y, Wang W, Zeng J, Xu N, LiuM*, Wu L. Upregulation NOD1 and NOD2 contribute to cancer progressionthrough the positive regulation of tumorigenicity and metastasis in humansquamous cervical cancer. BMC Medicine. 2022;20(1):55.
[2] Pan S, Yin K, Tang Z, Wang S, Chen Z,Wang Y, Zhu H, Han Y, Liu M*, Jiang M*, Xu N*, Zhang G*.Stimulation of hypothalamic oxytocin neurons suppresses colorectal cancerprogression in mice. Elife. 2021;10:e67535.
[3] Wang Y, Liu X, Hu G, Hu C, Gao Y, HuoM, Zhu H, Liu M*, Xu N*. EGFR-IL-6 signaling axis mediated the inhibitoryeffect of methylseleninic acid on esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Front. Pharmacol. 2021;12:719785.
[4]Liu J, Kuang S, Zheng Y, Liu M*, Wang L*. Prognostic andpredictive significance of the tumor microenvironment in hepatocellularcarcinoma. CancerBiomark. 2021;32(1):99-110.
[5]Tan B#, Liu M#, Wang L, Wang J, Xiong F,Bao X, Gao Y, Yu L, Lu J*. Serum microRNAs predict response of patients withchronic hepatitis B to antiviral therapy. Int J Infect Dis. 2021;108:37-44. (co-firstauthor)
[6]Hu G, Wang S, Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhu H, LiuM*, Xu N*, Wang L*.Clinical andfunctional significance of CHK1-S, an alternatively spliced isoform ofthe CHK1 gene, in hepatocellular carcinoma.J Cancer. 2020;11(7):1792-1799.
[7]Wang S, Ma K, Zhou C, Wang Y, Hu G, Chen L, Li Z, Hu C, Xu Q, Zhu H, Liu M*, Xu N*.LKB1 and YAP phosphorylation play important roles in Celastrol-inducedβ-catenin degradation in colorectal cancer. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2019. doi:10.1177/1758835919843736.
[8]Bi C#, Liu M#,Rong W, Wu F, Zhang Y, Lin S, Liu Y, Wu J, Wang L. High Beclin-1 and ARID1Aexpression corelates with poor survival and high recurrence in intrahepaticcholangiocarcinoma: a histopathological retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 2019;19(1):213.(co-first author)
[9]Liu M, et al. MicroRNA-492overexpression involves in cell proliferation, migration and radiotherapyresponse of cervical squamous cell carcinomas. Mol Carcinog. 2018;57(1):32-43.
[10]Zhu W#, Liu M#,et al. Dynamics of circulating microRNAs as a novel indicator of clinicalresponse to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Cancer Med. 2018;7(9):4420-4433.(co-first author)
[11]Liu M, et al. Expression ofMicro-RNA-492 (MiR-492) in Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines is Upregulated byTransfection with Wild-Type P53, Irradiation, and 5-Fluorouracil Treatment InVitro. MedSci Mon. 2018;24:7750-7758.
[12]Chen L, Wang S,Wang Y, Zhang W, Ma K, Hu C, Zhu H, Liang S, Liu M*, Xu N*. IL-6 influences the polarization ofmacrophages and the formation and growth of colorectal tumor. Oncotarget. 2018;9:17443-17454.
[13] Liu M,et al. A Preoperative Measurement of Serum MicroRNA-125bMay Predict the Presence of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular CarcinomasPatients. TranslOncol. 2016;9(3), 167–172.
[14] Wang S, Ma K, Chen L, Zhu H, LiangS, Liu M*, Xu N*. TAZpromotes cell growth and inhibits Celastrol-induced cell apoptosis. Biosci Rep.2016;36(5). pii: e00386.
[15]Liu M, et al. Methylseleninic acid activates Keap1/Nrf2pathway via up-regulating miR-200a in human esophageal squamous cell carcinomacells. BiosciRep. 2015;35(5). pii: e00256.
[16] Wang L, Liu M, et al.Identification of recurrence-related serum microRNAs in hepatocellularcarcinoma following hepatectomy. Cancer Biol Ther.2015;16(10):1445-52. (co-first author)
[17]Liu M, et al. Associationof serum microRNA expression in hepatocellular carcinomas treated withtransarterial chemoembolization and patient survival. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109347.
[18] Li Q, Liu M, et al. CirculatingmiR-19a and miR-205 in serum may predict the sensitivity of luminal A subtypeof breast cancer patients to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with epirubicin pluspaclitaxel. PLoSOne. 2014;9(8):e104870. (co-firstauthor)
[19] Liu M, et al. MicroRNA-mRNAfunctional pairs for cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer cells. Chin J Cancer.2014;33(6):285-94.
[20] Liu M, et al. c-Myc suppressed E-cadherin through miR-9 at thepost-transcriptional level. Cell Biol Int. 2013;37(3):197-202.
[21] Liu M,et al. TNFa is anovel target of miR-19a. Int J Oncol. 2011;38:1013-22. (引用98次)
[22] LiuM, et al. EB1 acts as an oncogene via activatingbeta-catenin/TCF pathway to promote cellular growth and inhibit apoptosis. Mol Carcinog.2009;48:212-9. (IF=3.571)