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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg近五年来第一或通讯作者代表作:
1. Towards medical knowmetrics:representing and computing medical knowledge using semantic predications as theknowledge unit and the uncertainty as the knowledge context, Scientometrics, 2021,126(2).
2. 面向文献组织的重大公共卫生事件知识图谱构建研究, 医学信息学杂志,2021,42(03):8-13+19.
3. 国际医学术语体系进展及特色优势分析, 中国科技术语, 2021, 3.
4. Ontological Organization andBioinformatic Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions from Package Inserts:Development and Usability Study, Journalof Medical Internet Research, 2020,22(7):e20443.
5. A Knowledge Graph of CombinedDrug Therapies Using Semantic Predications from Biomedical Literature:Algorithm Development, JMIR MedicalInformatics, 2020,8(4):e18323.
6. Ultrasound Speckle ReductionBased on Histogram Curve Matching and Region Growing, CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.65, No.1, 2020,pp.705-722.
7. Ultrasound Speckle ReducingAnisotropic Diffusion Based on Histogram Curves Matching Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol.7, No.1,2017, pp.137-142.
8. 医学知识组织系统构建研究与应用实践, 数字图书馆论坛,2020(07):30-35.
9. 一体化医学语言系统及其在知识发现中的应用研究, 数字图书馆论坛,2019(09):24-29.
10. 基于叙词表及其语义关系的本体构建研究,情报科学, 2018,36(11):83-87.
11. 本体构建工具设计与实现, 医学信息学杂志, 2017,38(08):53-58+68.
12. 主题标引文献的语义关系发现研究,现代图书情报技术, 2016(Z1):87-93.
13. 复杂网络理论及其在图书情报领域的应用研究, 情报科学,2016,34(10):95-98+103.
14. 肿瘤本体构建研究, 数字图书馆论坛, 2015(08):37-42.
15. MTI自动文献标引系统研究 医学信息学杂志, 2015,36(03):52-57.