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中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所)研究员,实验血液学国家重点实验室1级PI,协和准长聘助理教授(正高),博导,中以联合实验室副主任。研究方向主要为造血干细胞(HSC)及其微环境。以第一/通讯作者在Nat Cell Biol、J Clin Invest、Blood、Leukemia、Nat Commun、Cell Rep等杂志上发表论文和综述20篇,以合作作者在Nat Genet、Cell Stem Cell、Immunity等杂志上发表论文20余篇。国家重点研发计划(战略性科技创新合作)首席科学家。获得2019年国家优青和天津市杰青、2018年天津市青年拔尖人才和首批青年医学新锐、2016年天津市创新人才推进计划青年科技优秀人才和协和新星。获2020年国家自然科学奖二等奖(待批)、2016年教育部自然科学奖二等奖和2015年天津市自然科学奖一等奖。获国内专利1项,国际专利3项。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg主持项目
1. 国家重点研发计划,2020YFE0203000,克隆性造血相关疾病的防控与机制研究,2021.05-2024.04
2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,81922002,造血干细胞的生理与病理调控机制,2020.01-2022.12
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81870086,单细胞尺度解析白血病下造血干/祖细胞及其微环境的变化规律及机制,2019.01-2022.12
4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,81400077,Egr3调控造血干细胞功能的机制研究,2015.01-2017.12
5. 2019年天津市杰出青年科学基金
6. 2018年首批天津市“青年医学新锐”
7. 2018年第三批天津市“青年拔尖人才支持计划”
8. 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程,细胞异质性的表观遗传调控机理,2017.01-2020.12,子课题负责人
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会中以合作项目,81861148029,剪接体突变和骨髓微环境衰老在急性髓系白血病早期演变中的作用,2018.10-2021.09
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,81730006,白血病重塑微环境及其对正常造血的影响机制,2018.01-2022.12
3. 2017年国家重点研发计划,2017YFA0103400,中胚层来源组织干细胞的谱系层级、发育调控及制备策略,2017.07-2021.12
4. 2016年国家重点研发计划,2016ZY05002341,造血干细胞发育、维持与再生的调控机制,2016.01-2020.12
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,81430004,急性髓系白血病细胞干性的调控机制及干预策略,2015.01-2019.12
6. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,81090410,白血病状态下正常造血干/祖细胞的生物学行为及其调控机制,2011.01-2014.12
1. Wang FJ. #, He J.#, Liu S.#, Gao A., Yang L., Sun G., Ding W., Li C., Wang F., Wang X., Zhu P., Hao S., Ma Y.*, Cheng H.*, Yu J.*, Cheng T*. Comprehensive RNA Editome Reveals Edited Azin1 as A DDX1 Partner to Facilitate Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation. Blood. 2021 (in revision)
2. Yuan S., Sun G., Zhang Y., Dong F., Cheng H.*, Cheng T*. Understanding the ‘SMART’ features of hematopoietic stem cells and beyond. Science China Life sciences. 2021
3. Huang D.#, Sun G.#, Hao X.#, He X.#, Zheng Z., Chen C.,Yu Z., Xie L., Ma S., Liu L., Zhou B., Cheng H.*, Zheng J.*, and Cheng T*. ANGPTL2-containingsmall extracellular vesicles from vascular endothelial cells accelerate leukemia progression. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021;131(1).
4. Wang T.#, Xia C.#, Weng Q., Wang K., Dong Y., Hao S., Dong F., Liu X., Liu L., Geng Y., Guan Y., Du J., Cheng T., Cheng H.*, Wang J*. Loss of Nupr1 promotes engraftment by tuningthe quiescence threshold of hematopoietic stem cell repository via regulatingp53-checkpoint pathway. Haematologica. 2020.
5. Zhang C.#, Xu Z.#, Yang S.#, Sun G.#, Jia L., Zheng Z., Gu Q., Tao W.*, Cheng T.*, Li C.* and Cheng H.*. tagHi-C reveals 3D chromatin architecture dynamics during hematopoiesis. Cell Reports. 2020;32(13)
6. Dong F., Cheng H.*, Ema H.*, Cheng T*. Probingthe fate of transplanted hematopoietic stem cells: is the combinational approach "FIT" for purpose? Science China Life sciences. 2020;63(11):1755-8.
7. Dong F.#, Hao S.#, Zhang S.#, Zhu C.#, Cheng H.#, et al. Differentiation of transplanted haematopoietic stem cells tracked bysingle-cell transcriptomic analysis. Nature Cell Biology. 2020;22(6):630-9.
8. Xia C.#, Wang T.#, Cheng H.#, et al. Mesenchymal stem cells suppress leukemia via macrophage-mediated functional restoration of bone marrow microenvironment. Leukemia. 2020;34(9):2375-83.
9. Ma S.#, Sun G.#, Yang S., Ju Z.*, Cheng T.*, Cheng H.*. Effects of telomere length on leukemogenesis. Science China Life sciences. 2020;63(2):308-11
10. Wang Y.#, Lu T.#, Sun G.#, Zheng Y.#, Yang S., Zhang H., Hao S., Liu Y., Ma S., Zhang H., Ru Y., Gao S., Yen K.*, Cheng H.*, Cheng T.*. Targeting of apoptosis gene loci by reprogramming factors leads toselective eradication of leukemia cells. Nature communications. 2019;10(1):5594.
11. Gao A.#, Gong Y.#, Zhu C., Yang W., Li Q., Zhao M., Ma S., Li J., Hao S.*, Cheng H.*, Cheng T*. Bone marrow endothelial cell-derived interleukin-4 contributes to thrombocytopenia in acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica. 2019;104(10):1950-61.
12. Cheng H.#*, Zheng Z.#, Cheng T.*. New paradigms on hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. Protein & cell. 2019;11(1):34-44.
13. Cheng H.#*, Sun G.#, Cheng T*. Hematopoiesis and microenvironment in hematological malignancies. Cell Regeneration (Lond). 2018;7:22-26
14. Gong, Y., Zhao,M., Yang, W., Gao, A., Yin, X., Hu, L., Wang, X., Xu, J., Hao, S., Cheng, T*. and Cheng, H*. Megakaryocyte-derived excessive TGFbeta1 inhibits proliferationof normal hematopoietic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia. Experimental Hematology. 2018;60:40-46
15. Cheng H., Liu Y., Jia Q., Ma S., Yuan W., Jia H., and Cheng T*. Novel regulators in hematopoietic stem cells can be revealed by a functional approach under leukemic condition. Leukemia. 2016;30:2074-77.
16. Cheng H., and Cheng T*. 'Waterloo': when normal blood cells meet leukemia. Current opinion in hematology. 2016;23:304-10.
17. Cheng H.#, Hao S#., Liu Y., Pang Y., Ma S., Dong F., Xu J.,Zheng G., Li S., Yuan W., and Cheng T*. Leukemic marrow infiltration reveals anovel role for Egr3 as a potent inhibitor of normal hematopoietic stem cell proliferation. Blood. 2015;126:1302-13.
18. Liu Y#., Cheng H.#, Gao S., Lu X., He F., Hu L., Hou D., Zou Z., Li Y., Zhang H., Xu J., Kang L., Wang Q., Yuan W., and Cheng T*. Reprogramming of MLL-AF9 leukemia cells intopluripotent stem cells. Leukemia. 2014;28:1071-80.